While we handle the basics concepts and coordination out of our main office in Philadelphia, our three regional steering committees have a lot of freedom to shape DTL they way they want to fit the traits and needs of their region. Taken together, the committees have representation from just about every corner of the Commonwealth.
And as the project grows, we want to get even closer to the grassroots. We hope in 2019 to expand the three initial regions—East, West and Central—to at least six.
So we’re in the business of identifying people who care about the issue and have the time, the talents, the bipartisan credibility and the Contacts list to help us extend DTL’s reach across the full geographic, demographic and socioeconomic range of this large, diverse, fascinating state.
If you think you might just be such a person, fill out the form below or contact us at info@drawthelinespa.org. We might have a seat on a steering committee just waiting for you.