April 22nd, 2019
12:00pm - 5:00pm
Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, Fisher Fine Arts Library
220 S. 34th St.
Kleinman Forum, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/penn-musa-election-analytics-workshop-tickets-56058974903
In 2016, 200 million people visited election aggregator and forecasting websites. Despite the proliferation of data, election forecasting remains a challenge, one that is exacerbated by gerrymandering and unrepresentative districts.
Last year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the Pennsylvania congressional map, calling it one of the most gerrymandered maps in the country. Former Attorney General Eric Holder even went so far as to call gerrymandering a threat to Democracy. In 2018, District Builder rolled out a suite of digital tools that allows users to create their own election map. Over 1,200 mappers created 2,600 maps using the tools.
Join us for an afternoon of election analytics. Chris Satullo, former WHYY News Director and current Draw the Lines Project Manager will discuss gerrymandering and the District Builder tool. To follow, demographer Jonathan Tannen, founder of Philadelphia election analytics site Sixty-Six Wards, will give an interactive tutorial on predicting elections in R.
Noon: Lunch
1:00: District Builder demo, Chris Satullo
3:30: Election forecasting in R, Jonathan Tannen
4:30: Happy hour