Eat. Drink. Save Democracy.

November 26th, 2018
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Media-Upper Providence Library
1 East Front Street
Media, PA, 19063

Join the Draw the Lines team, including Chris Satullo, for food, drinks, and friendly competition to #slaythegerrymander!

Get ready to use the same mapping tools politicians use to draw election maps in our statewide competition. Learn how you could win up to $5,000 for drawing a map (in 3 different competition categories: High School, College, and Adult). This is a nonpartisan civic engagement effort that welcomes individuals from anywhere along the political spectrum!

Draw the Lines is on a mission to slay the gerrymander in Pennsylvania. How? By inspiring students and voters young and old to show that they are ready, willing and able to take over the job of drawing electoral districts from the politicians who have made such a mess of it.

Learn more at, and follow @DrawTheLinesPA on all social media platforms!
