Draw The Lines Comes to Indiana, PA

April 6th, 2019
11:00am - 2:00pm
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Room B11, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, 441 North Walk, Indiana PA 15705

This is a photo of a Map-A-Thon event at which you can start and draw your own congressional maps to submit in the Draw The Maps PA contest
Join us for a Draw The Lines PA legislative Map-a-Thon on the IUP campus! Free lunch and help will be provided to get you started on your own congressional maps.

Draw a map and win a prize. Draw The Lines PA will be in Indiana for a Map-A-Thon with free food and support for anyone interested in drawing their own congressional maps and entering a contest with prizes up to $5,000.

Draw a map, get a free lunch and enter the Draw The Lines PA contest with prizes up to $5,000.

Event is free and includes lunch but registration is required. Click here to register.