Scores from the 2018 Fall competition
How did our previous contestants do? This will give you an idea of targets to hit for your mapping values. In the fall 2018 competition, we had 318 successful entries.
- Competitive districts: The median was 6. The lowest was 2, while the highest was 17.
- Majority/Minority districts: 1% of maps had zero. 22% had one. The rest had two.
- Compactness: Median = 32.7%. Highest = 50.0%. Lowest = 11.9%
- Population Equivalence: Median = 6,065. Lowest = 148. Highest = 7,038. If one wanted to score in the top 25%, you'd have to achieve a population equivalence of 5,499. Top 10% = 4,429
- County Splits: Median = 55. Lowest = 23. Highest = 141