This option allows you to start with a mostly complete map and just finish the final few districts. You will still learn how use data to make your map and how to make tough decisions to achieve your goals, without having to commit several hours to completing a map from scratch.
Draw the Lines is available to help use DistrictBuilder, either with an in-person or virtual presentation. You can request our help here.
After you log in, you’ll reach the “Choose a Map. Start Drawing” page. In the #2 box, you’ll select your map type. Click on the “Shared” tab on the left side of the screen. There, you will see a list of starter maps to choose from.
Each map on this list prioritizes one of three values: compactness, competitiveness, or equal population totals. Each map also indicates which region of the state needs to be finished. If you’re in Philadelphia, you can determine where the remaining district boundaries should fall in SE PA. Same for central PA or in the greater Pittsburgh area.
For example, if you are in Pittsburgh and want to value competitive elections, select the “Competitive starter map for Allegheny County” map.
You will then name your map, in box #4. Put "Starter" in front of your map's name so we know to put it into the correct competition category.
Then you can start drawing your map.
Look for the counties and census tracts that haven't been assigned to a district yet on the map, and look for the districts missing in the statistics panel on the right side. That will tell you what you need to map to finish.
After that, it's just following our regular mapping guidelines!