About Nathaniel: I currently work as an Admissions Counselor and adjunct instructor in political science at Gannon University in Erie, PA. You can ask my co-workers, I really like making maps for my job, too. When not at work, I spend my free time outdoors, watching soccer/hockey, designing/playing board games, or tending to my young plants. I want to thank my family and my girlfriend for their constant support, as well as the folks at DTL for their continued efforts to “Slay the Gerrymander.”
Why does gerrymandering bother you?
Because it's cheating! It's politicians using their power in a corrupt fashion and it's unfair, no matter whom it helps/hurts. How can we exercise the ideal of one-person, one-vote if our votes are packed, cracked, diluted, and disregarded?
What lessons or tips have you learned that you’d like to share with other Pennsylvanians?
Don't give up hope. We beat this thing once in the wake of the 2010 census, and we can surely do it again by re-energizing the fight right now. Other states have solved this problem by taking this power out of the hands of those who would seek to abuse it; the birthplace of America can surely do the same.
See Nathaniel's previous mapping entries:
Fall 2018 (Western Adult t-2nd Place)
Spring 2019 (State Adult Champion)
Fall 2019 (State Senate 2nd Place)
Fall 2019 (PA House Semifinalist)