
  • A desktop computer, Mac or PC. Tablets and Chromebooks work fine as well. Unfortunately, phones won't work properly, if at all.
  • An up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. Do not use Internet Explorer. (It is critically important to keep your browser up to date for security reasons.)

Uploading District Index Files into DistrictBuilder

  • In the “Select” section on the very top tool bar, right after you first login, go to “Upload Map.” Then upload your District Index File. Your map will be transferred to DistrictBuilder.

About the software

  • DistrictBuilder was built in 2011. Azavea, the firm that built it, has freshened it for this contest. 
  • A full, feature-rich rebuild is planned for later in 2020. We hope this will support tablets and other mobile devices, but creating a mobile experience for such a complicated task will be challenging.