The scene in the PA. State Capitol rotunda during Draw the Lines PA's awards event for citizen mappers in September. | Image Credit: Photo by Rutan Productions

The case has been made. The moment for action has arrived. It's now or never for the quest to slay the gerrymander in Pennsylvania in time for 2021.

The Draw the Lines PA team invites you to our biggest event yet: PA Map Day on March 18 in the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg. 

Sign up here to join the throng. 

This is the time to make your voice heard.

If Pennsylvania is to slay the gerrymander and set up a fair mapping process for 2021, it has to happen this spring.  March 18 is one of the few session days left before the primary election.

Your presence and your voice will help send a message to our lawmakers: Pennsylvanians are sick of the gerrymander. They are ready, willing and able to play a leading role in drawing election maps next year. 

DTL has proved that point beyond a shadow of a doubt: more than 9,000 people engaged; more than 8,000 maps created; more than a thousand entries into our three mapping contests, 103 schools and 48 colleges involved.

A thousand entries – and nearly every last one is better than the maps we got out of Harrisburg in 2011. Case closed.Time for reform.

Here’s what’s happening on PA Map Day and how you can take part:

  • Visit the Capitol offices of your state representative and senator. Tell them you strongly support meaningful redistricting reform – right now, in time for 2021. We’ll have cards with that message for you to sign and deliver, or you can craft your own. Don’t know who your reps are or where to find them? No worries. We’ve got you covered.  Everyone who visits a lawmaker's office and offer us proof (e.g. selfies) is eligible for a $250 prize drawing.
  • Be part of the DTL Scavenger Hunt. Don your free #MakeMyVoteCount T-shirt, then set out to find our six mapping demo stations in offices around the Capitol. From 10 a.m. to 12:30, each station will feature DTL’s amazing young citizen mappers. You can see their work and learn more about how good maps slay the gerrymander. Get your hunt card stamped at all six and you’ll be entered in a drawing for another $250 prize.
  • Help fill the Capitol Rotunda for our 1 p.m. awards ceremony. Honor the citizen mappers and educators who have embraced DTL, turning it into a civic education success that’s gaining national notice.  Wherever you live in PA, a mapper or teacher from a town near you will be receiving some of the $28,000 we’ll be awarding.
  • Catch the eye of the film crew that will be there making a documentary about Draw the Lines.  They’ll be looking for reform-minded citizens to talk to.

Please join us in the Capitol on March 18.  Help slay the gerrymander in PA. Just in time and forever. One more time, with feeling: Here’s where to sign up.