Draw the Lines produced 20+ short videos with tips to help you complete your map. Check them out on YouTube or our Facebook page. We recommend pulling them up on your phone and then watching them side-by-side as you map on your desktop or tablet. 


Draw the Lines chief of staff Justin Villere introduces you to the DistrictBuilder Pro Tip video series.

Pro Tip #1 - What values matter to you?

Step 1 in doing a map is our Flashes of Insight exercise. Scan the nine different values listed here. Then rank them. Which two or three matter the most to you? Which matters the least? The ranking you do here will guide your strategy in drawing your map.

Pro Tip #2 - Auto Save

Good news. DistrictBuilder automatically saves your work with every move you make. No need to hit a save button. Thanks to your unique login, you can leave and return to your map at any time.

Pro Tip #3 - Two map layers

Think of DistrictBuilder as two maps layered on top of each other. The top layer shows the counties and census tracts that are your building blocks as you draw your map. The underneath layer is a set of three basemaps you can use as reference points. You can choose to look at topography, roads or municipal boundaries. This transparency slider lets you choose how much of the underneath map you want to see. Find the goldilocks level that allows you to see both layers in the way you want.